Create an NFT collection

Discover how to create NFT Tickets to get exclusive access to your event or a collection of identical Items, Wearables.

How to create an NFT collection from a ERC1155 contract & how to set up a minting Event

An NFT is a non-fungible token which is a unique crypto asset. Every NFT is unique and this property makes NFTs great for a lot of uses such as :

  • Digital art
  • Digital collectibles
  • Ticketing
  • Memberships
  • Certificates
  • Proofs of ownership
  • & More

In this tutorial we will show you each step to create multiple NFT Editions where all Token of the edition are identical.

  • You will be able to create several NFT collections : tickets, items, wearables…
  • The code of the contract has been developed by ThirdWeb (, a public web3 company with audited contracts.

Required :

  • A wallet browser extension (metamask for example)
  • Have at least 0.1 ETH

1. Create an NFT edition (ERC1155)


a. Deploy an ERC1155 Contract

  1. Go to this contract deployer :
  1. Select the Connect Wallet button at the upper right hand corner of the page :
Notion image
  1. Once you have connected your wallet (you will see your wallet address displayed), click on the Deploy Now button :
Notion image
  1. Enter your contract deployer informations
    1. Enter the name, symbol, description and image of your project :

      Note : This is NOT the Name of your NFT Collection, this is the Name of your contract from where you will be able to create multiple NFT Collections.

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b. Proceeds Recipient :

Mint Earnings :

  • Enter the Recipient Address that will collect minting earnings.
  • By default your wallet address is set

Royalties :

  • Enter the  Recipient Address  that will collect royalties sales.
  • By default your wallet address is set
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  1. Now select the chain you want to deploy the contract on (Ethereum Mainnet here) and click on Deploy now :
Notion image

A Metamask window will pop up, click on Confirm to approve the transaction and pay for the contract deployment fees :

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b. Create an NFT collection from your deployed contract


Create an NFT Collection :

  1. After your contract has been deployed, you will be redirected to your dashboard, from there select the NFTs section and click on Single Upload :
Notion image
  1. Enter your collection details as the example shows below and click on Lazy Mint (The Name and Description field are immutable after the deployment)
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No NFT can be minted for now, you have only created the description of your NFTs, go to the next section to set up the supply, the price and other parameters.

2. Set up a Minting Event

  1. Select the collection you want to organise a mint and Go to Claim Conditions section :
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  1. Create a Phase with your desired parameters. (Make sure to correctly select who will be able to mint your NFTs : Public vs. Your allow list) :
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  1. Save the claim conditions and sign the transaction

You are now good ! Your community will be able to buy your Tickets !


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